301.1        Classification. In order to classify, regulate and restrict the locations of uses and locations of buildings designated for specific areas; and to regulate and determine the areas of yards, courts and other open spaces within or surrounding such buildings, property is hereby classified into districts as prescribed in this chapter.

“A”           Agricultural District

“R-1”        Low Density Residential District

“R-2”        Medium Density Residential District

“R-3”        High Density Residential District

“MP”        Manufactured Home Park District

“MU-R”    Mixed Use Residential District

“C-1”        Central Business District

“C-2”        General Commercial District

“B-P”        Business Park District

“I-1”         Light Industrial District

“I-2”         Heavy Industrial District

This Section is reserved for future use.

303.1        General.

a.    The boundaries of the zoning districts established by these Zoning Regulations are shown on a map or series of maps designated as the “Official Zoning District Map of Beloit, Kansas” which together with all legends, symbols, notations, references, district boundaries, and other information thereon, is adopted and made a part of these Zoning Regulations as fully as if it were set out herein in detail. For convenience, the map is also referred to in these Regulations as the “Zoning Map”.

b.    Original copies of the Zoning Map, which shall constitute the official record, are maintained in the office of the Zoning Administrator. In case of any dispute regarding the zoning classification of property subject to these Zoning Regulations, the maps maintained by the Zoning Administrator shall control.

c.    Changes in the boundaries of any zoning district shall be reflected on the Zoning Map promptly upon approval of the amendment by the Governing Body. It shall be the responsibility of the Zoning Administrator to update the Zoning Map as amended by ordinance.

d.    If there is a difference, either real or apparent, between the Zoning Map(s) adopted by these Zoning Regulations and previous zoning map(s), regardless of whether the real or apparent differences appear or are found to be the result of errors or omissions, the Zoning Map(s) adopted with these Zoning Regulations shall prevail and establish the zoning for all real property.

Section 304.1        Land hereafter annexed into the City shall receive, upon annexation, the zoning district classification as set forth in this section, until such time procedures are followed and finalized to amend that zoning classification consistent with state law and these regulations. Land shall be classified in the zoning district which is the closest equivalent to the current land use at the time of annexation.

Section 305.1        It is the intent of these regulations that every part of the incorporated area of the City of Beloit, other than streets, highways and railroad lines, shall be included in one of the zoning districts established herein. The boundaries of the specific zoning districts are to scale on the zoning map and are to be interpreted by the corresponding measurements on the map. The following rules shall apply in the determination of the boundaries of any district shown on the Zoning Map.

a.    Whenever a lot is divided by a zoning district boundary, the zoning regulations applicable within each district shall apply equally to each portion of the lot situated in a separate district. The dimensions of the zoning district(s) on the lot shall be determined by scaled measurements of the zoning district boundaries on the Zoning Map.

b.    Where boundaries approximate blocks and lots, street and alley lines or other identifiable property or boundary lines, such lines shall be construed to be the district boundary. Where such boundaries are shown as being within street and alley lines or within identifiable rights-of-way or waterways, the centerline thereof shall be construed to be the district boundary.

c.    Where a district boundary divides an unsubdivided parcel, the location of the district boundary shall be determined by the use of the scale appearing on the Zoning Map unless indicated by dimensions.

d.    Map codes or symbols indicating the classification of property on the Zoning Map apply to the entire area within the district boundaries.

e.    Where a street, alley or right-of-way is lawfully vacated or abandoned, the zoning designation of the abutting property shall apply to the centerline of the vacated or abandoned street, alley or right-of-way.

f.     Should any uncertainty remain about the location or meaning of a boundary indicated on the Zoning Map, the uncertainty shall be resolved by the Zoning Administrator, whose decision may be appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals.

306.1 General.      The principal objective of this zoning code is to provide for an orderly arrangement of compatible buildings and land uses, and for the property location of all types of uses required for the social and economic welfare of the community. To accomplish this objective, each type and kind of use is classified as permitted in one or more of the various use districts established by this code. However, in addition to those uses specifically classified and permitted in each district, there are certain additional uses which it may be necessary to allow because of the unusual characteristics of the service they provide the public. These conditional uses require particular considerations as to their proper location to adjacent, established or in- tended uses, or to the planned growth of the community. The conditions controlling the locations and operation of such special uses are established by the applicable sections of this code.