501.1        Intent: The intent of the R-1 District is to provide primarily for single-family dwellings and related residential uses. The district is intended to accommodate a low population density for specified types of dwelling units on large to medium sized lots with emphasis on adequate open space around buildings.

501.2        Principle Permitted Uses And Structures. The following shall be permitted uses by right in the R-1 Residential District:

1.    Single-family dwellings.

2.    Safe houses.

3.    Public owned park or playground.

501.3        PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES: The following accessory uses and structures shall be permitted when the Principle or Conditional use exists on the lot of record and in conformance with the provisions of Section 803.

1.    Accessory uses and structures normally appurtenant to the permitted or conditionally approved uses and structures, such as but not limited to, detached garages. Detached garages shall be located in the side or rear yard only. Accessory Living Quarters within the R-1 Low Density Residential District require a Conditional Use Permit.

2.    Home Occupations, when in accordance with the provisions of Section 901 of these Regulations.

501.4        CONDITIONAL USES AND STRUCTURES. A building or premises may be used for the following purpose in the R-1 Residential District if a conditional use permit for such use has been obtained in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12 of these Regulations.

1.    Churches and similar places of worship.

2.    Any public building or land use by any department of the City, county, state or federal government.

3.    Bed and Breakfast Inns.

4.    Two-family dwellings.

5.    Day Care Facilities: Adult day care homes, licensed day care homes, group day care homes, when having 12 or fewer children or adults for whom care is provided.

6.    Accessory Living Quarters.

501.5        PROHIBITED USES AND STRUCTURES. All other uses and structures, which are not specifically permitted or not permissible as conditional uses, shall be prohibited from the R-1 Residential District. . Manufactured homes are not permitted in this district. Tiny homes are not permitted in this district, either as a principal structure or accessory structure.

501.6        BULK REGULATIONS.

501.6.1 General. The minimum area, setbacks, density and maximum height shall be as prescribed in Table 501.1.

       Exception: Additions shall be allowed when the nonconformance relates to a setback encroachment and the addition will not intrude further into the setback than the existing structure.

TABLE 501.1


(in feet, unless noted otherwise)



MAXIMUM DENSITY (dwelling units/acre)




Minimum lot width

Minimum lot depth

Minimum front yard

Minimum side yard

Minimum rear yard










For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 square foot = 0.0929 sq m, 1 acre = 4047 sq m.

501.6.2. Maximum Lot Coverage: Maximum lot coverage by all buildings shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total lot area. The combined floor area of all accessory buildings constructed in accordance with these regulations shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total lot area.

501.7        OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS: Off- street parking and loading requirements within the R-1 Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Sections 801 and 806 of these Regulations.

501.8        FENCES AND RETAINING WALLS: Fences and retaining wall requirements within the R-1 Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Section 802 of these Regulations.

501.9        LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: Landscaping requirements within the R-1 Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Section 805 of these Regulations.

501.10      SIGN REQUIREMENTS. Sign requirements within the R-1 Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 10 of these Regulations.

502.1        Intent: The intent of the R-2 District is to provide for single- and two-family dwellings with some accommodations for three-plus family dwellings as conditional uses and also related residential uses and certain public uses. This district allows for a moderate density for these types of dwelling units.

502.2        PRINCIPLE PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES. The following shall be permitted uses by right in the R-2 Residential District:

1.    Single-family dwellings.

2.    Two-family dwellings.

3.    Day Care Facilities: Adult day care homes, licensed day care homes, group day care homes, when having 12 or fewer children or adults for whom care is provided.

4.    Safe houses.

5.    Churches and similar places of worship.

6.    Public owned and operated parks, recreation centers, and playgrounds.

7.    Police and fire department stations, public and governmental services.

8.    Public libraries.

9.    Public or private elementary and secondary schools.

502.3        PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES: The following accessory uses and structures shall be permitted when the Principle or Conditional use exists on the lot of record and in conformance with the provisions of Section 803.

1.    Accessory uses and structures normally appurtenant to the permitted or conditionally approved uses and structures, such as but not limited to, detached garages and accessory living quarters. Detached garages or accessory living quarters shall be located in the side or rear yard only.

2.    Home Occupations, when in accordance with the provisions of Section 905 of these Regulations.

502.4        CONDITIONAL USES AND STRUCTURES: A building or premises may be used for the following purpose in the R-2 Residential District if a conditional use permit for such use has been obtained in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12 of these Regulations.

1.    Any public building or land use by any department of the City, county, state or federal government.

2.    Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, retirement homes, and nursing facilities.

3.    Bed and Breakfast Inn.

4.    Short Term Vacation Rental.

5.    Mortuaries.

6.    Multiple unit dwelling.

7.    Fraternal, civic, social, religious organizations.

8.    Group homes, when having ten (10) or fewer residents plus no more than two staff.

9.    Child Care Centers or Day Care Facilities for adults or children when having 13 or more children or adults for whom care is provided.

10.  Rehabilitation houses and Group Care facilities.

11.  Post-secondary educational institutions.

12.  Nonprofit institutions of an educational, philanthropic, or eleemosynary nature.

13.  Outpatient mental health services (provided by licensed mental health professionals).

14.  Centers providing services and/or meals to seniors.

15.  Seasonal beverage stand (operated for a maximum of four (4) months per calendar year).

502.5        PROHIBITED USES AND STRUCTURES. All other uses and structures, which are not specifically permitted or not permissible as conditional uses, shall be prohibited from the R-2 Residential District. Manufactured homes are not permitted in this district. Tiny homes are not permitted as principal structures in this district.


502.6.1     General. The minimum area, setbacks, density and maximum height shall be as prescribed in Table 502.1.

       Exception: Additions shall be allowed when the nonconformance relates to a setback encroachment and the addition will not intrude further into the setback than the existing structure.

TABLE 502.1


(in feet, unless noted otherwise)



MAXIMUM DENSITY (dwelling units/acre)




Minimum lot width

Minimum lot depth

Minimum front yard

Minimum side yard

Minimum rear yard










For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 square foot = 0.0929 sq m, 1 acre = 4047 sq m.

502.6.2. Maximum Lot Coverage: Maximum lot coverage by all buildings shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total lot area. The combined floor area of all accessory buildings constructed in accordance with these regulations shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total lot area.

502.7        OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS: Off- street parking and loading requirements within the R-2 Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Sections 801 and 806 of these Regulations.

502.8        FENCES AND RETAINING WALLS: Fences and retaining wall requirements within the R-2 Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Section 802 of these Regulations.

502.9        LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: Landscaping requirements within the R-2 Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Section 805 of these Regulations.

502.10      SIGN REQUIREMENTS. Sign requirements within the R-2 Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 10 of these Regulations.

503.1        INTENT: The intent of the R-3 District is to provide for a full range of dwelling units, from single-family to apartments and for related residential and certain public uses and also related residential uses and certain public uses. This district is located primarily where moderate to high residential density will be compatible with surrounding uses and development patterns.

503.2        PRINCIPLE PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES. The following shall be permitted uses by right in the R-3 Residential District:

1.    Single family dwellings.

2.    Two-family dwellings.

3.    Multiple-unit dwellings.

4.    Bed and Breakfast Inns.

5.    Safe houses.

6.    Day Care Facilities: Adult day care homes, licensed day care homes, group day care homes, when having 12 or fewer children or adults for whom care is provided.

7.    Churches and other similar places of worship;

8.    Public owned and operated parks, recreation centers, and playgrounds.

9.    Police and fire department stations, public and governmental services.

10.  Public libraries.

11.  Public or private elementary and secondary schools.

12.  Post-Secondary educational institutions.

13.  Group homes for adults or minors, when having ten (10) or fewer residents plus no more than two staff.

14.  Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, retirement homes and nursing facilities.

503.3        PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES: The following accessory uses and structures shall be permitted when the Principle or Conditional use exists on the lot of record and in conformance with the provisions of Section 803.

1.    Accessory uses and structures normally appurtenant to the permitted or conditionally approved uses and structures, such as but not limited to, detached garages and accessory living quarters. Detached garages or accessory living quarters shall be located in the side or rear yard only.

2.    Home Occupations, when in accordance with the provisions of Section 905 of these Regulations.

503.4        CONDITIONAL USES AND STRUCTURES. A building or premises may be used for the following purpose in the R-3 Residential District if a conditional use permit for such use has been obtained in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12 of these Regulations.

1.    Short Term Vacation Rental.

2.    Any public building or land use by any department of the City, county, state or federal government.

3.    Medical, dental and health clinics.

4.    Mortuaries.

5.    Fraternal, civic, social, religious organizations.

6.    Group homes, when having ten (10) or more residents plus staff.

7.    Child Care Centers or Day Care Facilities for adults or children when having 13 or more children or adults for whom care is provided.

8.    Rehabilitation houses and Group Care facilities.

9.    Hospitals and related medical facilities.

10.  Nonprofit institutions of an educational, philanthropic, or eleemosynary nature.

11.  Outpatient mental health services (provided by licensed mental health professionals).

12.  Centers providing services and/or meals to seniors.

13.  Telephone exchanges, electric substations and similar public utilities.

14.  Seasonal beverage stand (operated for a maximum of four (4) months per calendar year).

503.5        PROHIBITED USES AND STRUCTURES. All other uses and structures, which are not specifically permitted or not permissible as conditional uses, shall be prohibited from the R-3 Residential District. Manufactured homes are not permitted in this district. Tiny homes are not permitted as principal structures in this district.


503.6.1 General. The minimum area, setbacks, density and maximum height shall be as prescribed in Table 503.1.

       Exception: Additions shall be allowed when the nonconformance relates to a setback encroachment and the addition will not intrude further into the setback than the existing structure.

TABLE 503.1


(in feet, unless noted otherwise)



MAXIMUM DENSITY (dwelling units/acre)




Minimum lot width

Minimum lot depth

Minimum front yard

Minimum side yard

Minimum rear yard










For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 square foot = 0.0929 sq m, 1 acre = 4047 sq m.
* Accessory towers, satellite dishes and similar structures shall be permitted to exceed the maximum height when approved by the Zoning Administrator.

503.6.2. Maximum Lot Coverage: Maximum lot coverage by all buildings shall not exceed sixty-five percent (65%) of the total lot area. The combined floor area of all accessory buildings constructed in accordance with these regulations shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total lot area.

503.7        OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS: Off- street parking and loading requirements within the R-3 Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Sections 801 and 806 of these Regulations.

503.8        FENCES AND RETAINING WALLS: Fences and retaining wall requirements within the R-3 Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Section 802 of these Regulations.

503.9        LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: Landscaping requirements within the R-3 Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Section 805 of these Regulations.

503.10      SIGN REQUIREMENTS. Sign requirements within the R-3 Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 10 of these Regulations.

504.1.       INTENT: The intent of the MU-R District is to encourage compatible mixed use residential and commercial uses of low intensity, complementing neighborhood residential areas with high quality development and urban design standards.

504.2        PRINCIPLE PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES. The following shall be permitted uses by right in the MU-R Mixed Use Residential District:

1.    Single family dwellings.

2.    Two-family dwellings.

3.    Bed and Breakfast Inns.

4.    Safe houses.

5.    Day Care Facilities: Adult day care homes, licensed day care homes, group day care homes, when having 12 or fewer children or adults for whom care is provided.

6.    Churches and other similar places of worship;

7.    Public owned and operated parks, recreation centers, and playgrounds.

8.    Police and fire department stations, public and governmental services.

9.    Public libraries.

10.  Public or private elementary and secondary schools.

11.  Group homes for adults or minors, when having ten (10) or fewer residents plus no more than two staff.

12.  Nonprofit institutions of an educational, philanthropic, or eleemosynary nature.

13.  Any public building or land use by any department of the City, county, state or federal government.

14.  Medical, dental and health clinics.

15.  Mortuaries.

16.  Fraternal, civic, social, religious organizations.

17.  Business or financial services < 5,000 square feet.

18.  Retail trade establishments < 5,000 square feet.

504.3 PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES: The following accessory uses and structures shall be permitted when the Principle or Conditional use exists on the lot of record and in conformance with the provisions of Section 803.

1.    Accessory uses and structures normally appurtenant to the permitted or conditionally approved uses and structures. Detached garages or accessory living quarters shall be located in the side or rear yard only.

2.    Home Occupations, when in accordance with the provisions of Section 905 of these Regulations.

504.4 CONDITIONAL USES AND STRUCTURES. A building or premises may be used for the following purpose in the MU-R Mixed Use Residential District if a conditional use permit for such use has been obtained in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12 of these Regulations.

1.    Multiple-Unit Dwellings.

2.    Any public building or land use by any department of the City, county, state or federal government.

3.    Group homes, when having ten (10) or more residents plus staff.

4.    Child Care Centers or Day Care Facilities for adults or children when having 13 or more children or adults for whom care is provided.

5.    Rehabilitation houses and Group Care facilities.

6.    Restaurants (Drive through, in, or up are prohibited)

7.    Business or financial services > 5,000 square feet and < 10,000 square feet.

8.    Retail trade establishments > 5,000 square feet and < 25,000 square feet.

9.    Post-secondary educational institutions.

10.  Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, retirement homes and nursing facilities.

11.  Seasonal beverage stand (operated for a maximum of four (4) months per calendar year).

504.5 PROHIBITED USES AND STRUCTURES. All other uses and structures, which are not specifically permitted or not permissible as conditional uses, shall be prohibited from the MU-R Mixed Use Residential District. Manufactured homes are not permitted in this district. Tiny homes are not permitted as principal structures in this district.


504.6.1 General. The minimum area, setbacks, density and maximum height shall be as prescribed in Table 504.1.

Exception: Additions shall be allowed when the nonconformance relates to a setback encroachment and the addition will not intrude further into the setback than the existing structure.

TABLE 504.1


(in feet, unless noted otherwise)



MAXIMUM DENSITY (dwelling units/acre)




Minimum lot width

Minimum lot depth

Minimum front yard

Minimum side yard

Minimum rear yard










For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 square foot = 0.0929 sq m, 1 acre = 4047 sq m.

504.6.1. Maximum Lot Coverage: Maximum lot coverage by all buildings shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total lot area. The combined floor area of all accessory buildings constructed in accordance with these regulations shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total lot area.

504.7 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS: Off- street parking and loading requirements within the MU-R Mixed Use Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Sections 801 and 806 of these Regulations.

504.8 FENCES AND RETAINING WALLS: Fences and retaining wall requirements within the MU-R Mixed Use Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Section 802 of these Regulations.

504.9 LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: Landscaping requirements within the MU-R Mixed Use Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Section 805 of these Regulations.

504.10 SIGN REQUIREMENTS; Sign requirements within the MU-R Mixed Use Residential District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 10 of these Regulations.

504.11 MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS. The intent of the mixed use residential district is to provide a mix of residential and light commercial uses within one project and throughout the district. To accomplish this while providing flexibility of design, two development options are offered:

A.   Full Residential Development (One Hundred Percent). The proposed development site shall be allowed to develop at one hundred percent residential; however, a provision shall be made to transfer the light commercial development rights to another location within the mixed use residential district. This shall be done through the master planning process as outlined below in this section;

B.    Residential Development (One Hundred Percent)—Light commercial Provision. The proposed development shall provide for both residential uses and light commercial use(s). The light commercial portion of the development may occupy up to a maximum of twenty-five percent of the project site or floor area. When twenty-five percent of the site is dedicated for light commercial use, the residential component of the project is allowed to be built out at a density equivalent to one hundred percent of the gross site;


A.   The design standards shall apply to all proposed residential development within the mixed use districts, unless otherwise specified by this chapter.

B.   The following design standards supplement those found above in subsections A and B of this section, and shall apply to all development proposed within the mixed use residential and the mixed use employment districts.

1.    Light commercial areas should be placed within walking distance (one- quarter mile) of residences;

2.    Light commercial buildings and uses should be located at the corner of the intersection of two public streets;

3.    Pedestrian-scale elements such as canopies, awnings, porches, building overhangs and arcades, and outdoor seating are required along pedestrian-oriented streets;

4.    All primary building pedestrian entrances and storefront windows shall face onto the primary street serving the site. If the site has multiple street frontages, the more pedestrian-oriented street shall take precedence;

5.    The design character of an individual building should be compatible (share similar features such as color, scale, massing and height) with its neighbors but may also include other features or characteristics that are different;

6.    Parking. The parking requirements shall be determined for mixed use developments by combining the requirements of the residential and the light commercial uses. Off-street parking shall be located to the side or rear of the building(s);

7.    Landscaping. The requirements of Chapter 8, Section 805, Landscaping Requirements, shall apply to all proposed development within the mixed use districts;

8.    Drive-up, -in or -through facilities are not permitted.


505.1 Manufactured Home Regulations.

A.   General. The following regulations shall apply to all manufactured homes located within the limits of the City of Beloit:

B.    Installation. The installation of any manufactured home within the limits of the City of Beloit shall be limited to existing manufactured home parks or those lawfully created pursuant to this section of the zoning regulation.

C.    Minimum required equipment. The manufactured home shall, at a minimum, be equipped with plumbing and electrical connections designed for attachment to appropriate external systems.

D.   Sanitation. All health, sanitation and safety requirements applicable to a conventional dwelling shall be equally applicable to a manufactured home.

E.    Anchoring and Skirting. The manufactured home shall be set and adequately anchored on concrete block piers or other suitable standards in accordance with Kansas Statutes. Skirting shall be required on all manufactured homes with materials harmonious to the color of the home and acceptable to the park management.

F.    Permit required. Any person, firm, or corporation desiring to locate a manufactured home shall apply for a zoning/building permit. Applicable permits must be approved prior to the installation and occupancy of any manufactured home.

G.   Mobile Homes Prohibited. Mobile homes, as defined in these Zoning Regulations (constructed prior to 1976) are prohibited.

505.2 Intent. The intent of the MHP District is to provide manufactured home park developments which are compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood in which they are located. Manufactured home parks are residential uses and should be located in areas where services and amenities are available such as those found in areas comprised of site-built housing. This district is intended for those areas where the owner proposes to develop and rent or lease individual manufactured home sites.

505.3 District Regulations. In district “M-P”, no structure or land shall be used, and no structure shall be altered, enlarged, or erected, which is arranged, intended, or designed for other than one of the uses listed in this Section 505.

505.4 MANUFACTURED HOME PARKS are subject to the following regulations:

A.   The tract to be used for a manufactured home park shall not be less than five (5) acres in area.

B.    The manufactured home park shall be under one ownership and control and individual occupants other than said owner shall not purchase or own any piece, parcel, or portion of said park.

C.    The applicant for a manufactured home park shall prepare or cause to be prepared a preliminary manufactured home park plan, drawn to a scale of not less than 1” = 1001, and three copies of said plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendations. Such plans shall comply with the following minimum requirements:

1.    Contours at intervals of one foot shall be indicated on the plan.

2.    The park shall be located on a well-drained site, properly graded to insure rapid drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water.

3.    Manufactured home parks hereafter approved shall have a maximum density of seven manufactured homes per gross acre, and a minimum area of 3,600 square feet shall be provided for each manufactured home space.

4.    Each manufactured home space shall be at least 10 feet wide and be clearly defined.

5.    Manufactured homes shall be located on each space so as to maintain a setback of no less than 20 feet from any public street, highway right-of-way, or “M-P” district boundary; as to maintain a setback of not less than 10 feet from the edge of a park roadway or sidewalk or a rear boundary line when such boundary line is not common to any public street, highway right-of-way, or “MP” district boundary; and as to maintain a setback of not less than five feet from any side boundary line of a manufactured home space.

6.    All manufactured homes shall be so located as to maintain a clearance of not less than 20 feet from another manufactured home and as to maintain a clearance of not less than 20 feet between any manufactured home and any appurtenance to a manufactured home. No manufactured home shall be located closer than 25 feet from any building within the park.

7.    All manufactured home spaces shall front upon a private roadway of not less than 24 feet in width, including curbs on each side; provided, however, that no on-street parking is permitted. If parallel parking is permitted on one side of the street, the width shall be increased to 32 feet, and if parallel parking is permitted on both sides of the street, the width shall be increased to 40 feet. All roadways shall have unobstructed access to a public street.

8.    Common walks shall be provided in locations where pedestrian traffic is concentrated; for example, to the entrance and to the office and other important facilities. Common walks should preferably be through interior areas removed from the vicinity of streets.

9.    All roadways and sidewalks within the manufactured home park shall be hard- surfaced and adequately lighted at night.

10.  Laundry facilities may be provided in a service building.

11.  Each manufactured home park shall devote a minimum of 200 square feet per manufactured home space for recreational area. Individual recreational areas shall not be less than 5,000 square feet and require setbacks, roadways, and off-street parking spaces shall not be considered as recreation space. A minimum of 50% of the recreational facilities shall be constructed prior to the development of one-half of the project, and all recreational facilities shall be constructed by the time the project is 75% developed.

12.  A solid or semi-solid fence or wall, minimum 6 feet, maximum 8 feet high, shall be provided between the manufactured home park district and any adjoining property or property immediately across the street which is zoned for residential purposes other than for manufactured homes.

       Said fence shall be so located as to not be in violation of the intersection site triangle as defined by this regulation. In lieu of said fence or wall, a landscape buffer may be provided not less than 25 feet in width and said landscape buffer shall be planted with coniferous and deciduous plant material so as to provide proper screening for the park. When the landscape buffer is used in lieu of the fence or wall, the landscape buffer shall not be included as any part of a required rear yard for a manufactured home space. The fence, wall, or landscape buffer shall be properly policed and maintained by the owner.

13.  Each manufactured home space shall be provided with a paved patio of  not less than 200 square feet and a storage locker of not less than 120 cubic feet. The lockers shall be designed in a manner that will enhance the park and shall be constructed of weather-resistant materials.

D.   A manufactured home park shall not be used for other than residential purposes; manufactured homes may be offered for sale in the manufactured home park only by resident owners.

E.    Upon approval of the preliminary manufactured home park plan by the Planning Commission, the applicant shall prepare and submit a final plan, which shall incorporate any changes or alterations requested. The final plan and the Planning Commission recommendation shall be forwarded to the governing body for their review and final action.

F.    Any substantial deviation, as determined by the zoning administrator, from the approved plan shall constitute a violation of the building or zoning permit authorizing construction of the project. Changes in plans shall be resubmitted for reconsideration and approval by the Planning Commission and governing body prior to the issuance of a building or zoning permit.


1.    Service buildings, when provided, whether required or not, housing sanitation and laundry facilities, or any such facility, shall be permanent structures complying with all applicable regulations and statutes regulating buildings, electric installations, plumbing and sanitation systems.

2.    All service buildings, when provided whether required or not, shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary condition and kept free of any condition that will menace the health of any occupant or the public, or constitute a nuisance.

3.    Service buildings and parking related to the service operations shall not occupy more than 5% of the area of the park and shall be located, designed, and intended to serve frequent trade or service needs of persons residing in the park and shall present no visible evidence of their commercial character from any portion of any residential district outside the park.


1.    A public water supply provided by the city. The size and location of water mains and fire hydrants shall be designed by a licensed professional engineer and shall be in accordance with the requirements of the agency from which the water supply is obtained.

2.    Individual water service connections shall be provided at each manufactured home space. Such connections shall be located at least four inches above ground surface, at least three-quarters inch in diameter, and equipped with a three-quarters inch valve outlet. All water pipes shall be protected against freezing.

3.    When a private water supply is provided, it shall provide an adequate supply with minimum flow rates of four gallons per minute for each of the first five manufactured home spaces and an additional two gallons per minute for each additional space for the next 10 spaces, and an additional one and one-half gallons per minute for each additional space for the next 25 spaces, and an additional one gallon per minute for each additional space thereafter. Said system shall provide a minimum of 20 pounds per square inch of pressure at all connections provided.


1.    Individual sewer connection to the public sewer system shall be provided for. each manufactured home space and shall be in accordance with all codes and regulations regarding such systems.

2.    All sewage systems shall be designed by a licensed professional engineer and shall be submitted to the appropriate governing body for its approval.

505.8 COMPLIANCE. The manufactured home park shall be in compliance with this article and all other regulations and the site shall be in conformance with applicable regulations of the city and state.

505.9 UNUSED MANUFACTURED HOME PARK. Whenever a property, zoned “M-P”, ceases to be used for a period of one year, the Planning Commission may initiate action to rezone said property.

505.10 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS: Off- street parking and loading requirements within the “M-P” Manufactured-Home Park District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Sections 801 and 806 of these Regulations.

505.11 FENCES AND RETAINING WALLS: Fences and retaining wall requirements within the “M-P” Manufactured-Home Park District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Section 802 of these Regulations.

505.12 LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: Landscaping requirements within the “M-P” Manufactured-Home Park District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Section 805 of these Regulations.

505.13 SIGN REQUIREMENTS; Sign requirements within the “M-P” Manufactured-Home Park District shall be in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 10 of these Regulations.

505.14 TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS, are subject to the following regulations:

A.   Travel trailer parks shall be utilized only for the accommodations of camping trailers and under no circumstances shall a travel trailer park be utilized for the occupancy of manufactured homes.

B.    The tract to be used for a travel trailer park shall not be less than two (2) acres in area.

C.    The applicant for a travel trailer park shall prepare or cause to be prepared a preliminary travel trailer park plan, drawn to a scale of not less than 1” represents 100’, and three copies of said plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for its review and recommendations. Such plans shall comply with the following minimum requirements:

1.    Contours at intervals of one foot shall be indicated on the plan.

2.    The travel trailer park shall be located on a well-drained site, properly graded to insure rapid drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water.

3.    Travel trailer parks shall have a maximum density of 20 camping trailers per gross acre, and a minimum area of 1,250 square feet shall be provided for each camping space.

4.    Each camping space shall be at least 25 feet wide and a minimum of 50 feet in depth.

5.    Travel trailers shall be located on each space so as to maintain a setback of not less than 20 feet from any public street, highway right-of-way, or “MP” district boundary, and as to maintain a setback of not less than five feet from any boundary line of a camping space when such boundary line is not common to any public street, highway right-of-way, or “MP” district boundary.

6.    All camping spaces shall front on a private roadway of not less than 24 feet in width, and all roadways shall have unobstructed access to a public street.

7.    A solid or semi-solid fence or wall at least six feet high, but not more than eight feet high, shall be provided between the Travel Trailer Park and any adjoining property or property immediately across the street which is zoned for residential purposes other than for manufactured homes. Said fence shall be so located as to not be in violation of the intersection site triangle as defined by this regulation.

D.   A service building shall be provided which shall:

1.    Be located not nearer than 25 feet from a camping trailer or a property line.

2.    Be so located that any camping trailer which it serves shall not be parked more than 200 feet from the building.

3.    Be of permanent type moisture-resistant construction to permit frequent washing and cleaning and be adequately lighted.

4.    Have one flush type toilet, one lavatory and one shower or bathtub for females; and one flush type toilet, one lavatory, one shower or bathtub for males for up to nine camping units. One additional unit of the above plumbing facilities shall be provided for each sex for each 10 additional camping units serviced or major fraction thereof. All lavatories, bathtubs and showers shall be connected with both hot and cold running water,

5.    Have adequate heating facilities to maintain a temperature of seventy degrees Fahrenheit in the building and provide hot water (defined as water temperature of at least 1400 F.) at a minimum rate of eight gallons per hour for the required fixture units.

6.    Have an accessible, adequate, safe and potable water supply of cold water.

7.    Have all rooms well-ventilated with all openings effectively screened.

8.    Have at least one water closet or other facility suitable for the cleaning and sanitizing of bedpans or other waste receptacles.

9.    Comply with all applicable chapters of the building codes adopted by the city regarding the construction of buildings and the installation of electrical, plumbing, heating, and air conditioning systems.

10.  Be maintained in a clean, sanitary condition and kept free of any condition that will menace the health of any occupants or the public or constitute a nuisance.

E.    At least one two-yard standard dumpster shall be required to be located near a facility entrance for convenient pick-up. More than one such dumpster may be required, depending on the number of sites to be served and the number of weekly pick-ups.

F.    A sanitary waste station shall be provided. It shall consist of a properly supported water riser pipe, terminating two feet above the ground with a three-fourths-inch valved outlet and attached hose. The water outlet shall be protected against backsiphonage and backflow by an approved vacuum breaker installation located downstream from the shutoff valve.

G.   Upon approval of the preliminary travel trailer park plan by the Planning Commission, the applicant shall prepare and submit a final plan, which shall incorporate any changes or alterations requested. The final plan and the Planning Commission recommendation shall be forwarded to the governing body for its review and final action.