For the purpose of this article the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

(a)   Antenna Dish means any circular or similar dish shaped receiving antenna generally used for highly specialized industrial communications or for receiving television signals from a satellite.

(b)   Front Yard means a yard extending across the full width of the lot the depth of which is the least distance between the street right of way and the building set back line.

(c)   Side Yard means a yard adjacent to the front yard.

(Ord. 1592, Sec. 1)

All antenna dishes except antenna dishes that are one meter or less in diameter, located outside a building shall meet the following requirements:

(a)   Maximum number per residential lot--one.

(b)   Maximum height--16 feet.

(c)   Maximum diameter--13 feet.

(d)   Minimum set back from all property lines or lots:

(1)   17 feet from center of antenna dish to back yard property line.

(2)   15 feet from center of antenna dish to side yard property line.

(e)   No antenna dish may be located in the front yard.

(f)   All antenna dishes over four feet in diameter shall be mounted at ground level and no antenna dish shall be mounted on a tower or similar form of structural support.

(Ord. 1947, Sec. 1)

Any person desiring to install an antenna dish except antenna dishes that are one meter or less in diameter, will make written application to the city clerk. The designated city official shall approve the method of attachment and construction prior to installation.

(Ord. 1947, Sec.2)

Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this article or doing any of the acts or things prohibited by this article or failing or refusing to perform any duty imposed by this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in an amount not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned for not to exceed 10 days or be both fined and imprisoned.

(Ord. 1592, Sec.1)