A retailers’ sales tax for the purpose of capital improvements to streets, electric distribution lines, sanitary sewer lines, water distribution lines, and airport improvements and to provide an adequate level of public services, as authorized by K.S.A. 12-187 et seq., as amendments thereto, is hereby levied in the amount of seven-tenths percent (0.7%) to take effect on the 1st day of July, 2008.

(Ord. 2043; Code 2016)

The levy and imposition of a three-tenths of one percent (0.3%) citywide retailers’ sales tax and application of the revenue received therefrom to pay the costs of a City swimming pool project, as well as street and other infrastructure projects in the City are hereby authorized and directed with collection of the sales tax to commence on October 1, 2011.

(Ord. 2087; Ord. 2100; Code 2016)

(a)   Housing Rehabilitation and Citizens Advisory Board Created. There is hereby created and established a Housing Rehabilitation and Citizens Advisory Board (hereinafter called the Board) to serve the Governing Body of the City of Beloit, which Board shall have the functions, duties, and authority prescribed herein.

(b)   Membership and Vacancies. The Board shall consist of three (3) members to be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Governing Body. All members shall be residents in the City and shall serve for the duration of the City’s CDBG, No 14-HR-001. Any vacancies, which occur during the term of said Grant, may be filled for the remaining term by appointment by the Mayor with the consent of the Governing Body. All members of the Board shall serve without pay.

(c)   Functions, Duties, and Authority. The Board shall have the following functions, duties, and authority:

(1)   Serve as a citizens’ advisory group for the CDBG housing grant.

(2)   Assist in the development of the City’s housing/demolition plan.

(3)   Recommend changes in program guidelines to the Governing Body.

(4)   Review and accept the work write-up for each individual dwelling.

(5)   Analyze contractor bid(s) for conformance and cost.

(6)   Recommend bid award(s) to the Governing Body.

(7)   Act as a complaint and appeal resolution panel in accordance with the complaint procedure documented in the Beloit Housing/Demolition Plan.

(d)   Officers. The Board shall elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman, who shall serve for the duration of this CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Grant.

(e)   Meetings and Records. The Board shall determine meeting times and places. Special meetings may be held on call of the Chairman. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Board shall cause a proper record to be kept of its proceedings.

(Ord. 2151; Code 2016)

(a)   Neighborhood Revitalization Plan. That the City Council does hereby adopt the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan, incorporated herein by reference, labeled Exhibit “A” to Ordinance No. 2302, consisting of an Application Process, Criteria for Determining Eligibility, and Criteria for New and Rehab Projects.

(b)   Designation of Neighborhood Revitalization Area. That the City Council hereby designates the real property, incorporated herein by reference, labeled Exhibit “B” to Ordinance No. 2302, which real property consists of all real property within the city limit boundaries of the City of Beloit, as the Neighborhood Revitalization Area, and finds that the following conditions exist within said Area: 1) a predominance of buildings which, by reason of dilapidation or obsolescence, are detrimental to public health, safety and welfare; 2) a substantial number of deteriorating structures which impair the sound growth of the city, retards the provision of housing and constitutes an economic liability; and 3) a predominance of buildings which, by reason of age, history or architecture, are significant and should be restored to productive use, and finds that the rehabilitation, conservation and redevelopment of said area is necessary to protect health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City of Beloit.

(c)   Program Termination Date. The Neighborhood Revitalization Plan tax rebate program shall terminate on January 15th 2024, unless renewed prior to that date.

(Ord. 2111; Ord. 2155; Code 2016; Ord. 2201; Ord. 2262; Ord. 2302)

The following are designated as main trafficways of the city pursuant to K.S.A. 12-685 et seq. for purposes of bond financing certain improvements:

(a)   All roadway known as K-14 Highway which includes the following city streets: K-14 Highway north from West Eighth Street and North Independence Avenue; East/West Eighth Street to include the 100 block of East Eighth Street and the 100-500 blocks of West Eighth Street; North/South Hersey Avenue to include the 100-700 blocks of North Hersey Avenue and the 100-300 blocks of South Hersey Avenue to South Mill Street; Roosevelt Avenue from South Mill Street to the South city limits.

(b)   West Eighth Street West from the intersection of North Independence/K-14 Highway to the West city limits.

(c)   East Eighth Street from the intersection of North Hersey to U.S. 24 Highway.

(d)   East/West Main Street from U.S. 24 Highway to the West city limits.

(e)   Asherville Road from U.S. 24 Highway to South Brooklyn, North to Elliott Street, West to South River Street, North to Spruce Street, West to South Hersey Avenue/K-14 Highway or North to East South Street West to South Hersey Avenue/K-14 Highway.

(f)   South Elm Street from East Main Street to Asherville Road.

(1)   Exemptions: Local deliveries to/on roadways not designated as truck routes.

(g)   Main Street located within the city limits.

(K.S.A. 12-685 et seq.; Code 1988, 16-301; Code 2016; Ord. 2180)