The regular police force of the city shall consist of the chief of police, such staff rank officers as shall be designated by the chief of police, and such law enforcement personnel as the governing body may provide. The chief of police under direction of the mayor, shall have supervision and be in charge of the police department and any law enforcement personnel appointed by the governing body.

(Code 1988)

It shall be the duty of the chief of police and the staff ranked officers and other police officers, to see that the laws of the Stale of Kansas and all ordinances of the city and all resolutions of the governing body are properly enforced and obeyed within the police jurisdiction of the city. Whenever arrest is made they shall attend all trials in municipal court unless excused by the municipal judge. They shall promptly serve all process papers, notices or orders required by law or as directed by the mayor. They shall also perform such other duties as may be required by the mayor, or by ordinances of the city.

(Code 1988)

The chief of police shall at all times have power to make or order an arrest, with proper process, for any offense against the laws of the state or of the city, and bring the offender for trial before the proper officer of the city, and to arrest without process in all cases where any such offense shall be committed, or attempted to be committed, in his or her presence. The chief of police shall have power to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of the department.

(Code 1983)

The law enforcement personnel of the city shall have power to arrest all offenders against the laws of the state, or of the city, by day or night, in the same manner as the chief of police, and keep them in the city prison, or other place to prevent their escape, until a trial can be had before the proper officer.

(Code 1983)

The mayor shall assume command of the police department when and only when a state of emergency exists within the city. If a state of emergency is declared to exist by the mayor, he or she shall submit to the governing body at its next meeting a written report stating the cause of the emergency and its duration. Emergency as used herein is defined as a major crime or a public disaster.

(Code 1983)

It shall be the duty of the mayor, upon a determination that the daily administration of the police department is inefficient, incompetent or in any manner contrary to the policy of the governing body of the city, to report in writing to the governing body the cause for the mayor’s dissatisfaction and make recommendations for improvements.

(Code 1983)

(Code 2016)

If a vacancy shall occur in the office of chief of police, the senior rank staff officer shall automatically become supervising officer of the police department and shall perform all duties and be vested with all authority herein given to the chief of police. Such supervising officer’s authority shall immediately cease when the office of chief of police is filled in the manner provided by law.

(Code 1988)

(a)   A reserve force of not more than 10 members is hereby established for the city, for better and more efficient police protection of the city.

(b)   Applicants for said reserve police force shall be 21 years of age, in good physical condition, residents of Mitchell County, and have a high school diploma or equivalent, and have a valid Kansas motor vehicle license.

(c)   Prior to appointment prospective members shall also meet the criteria set forth by the State of Kansas, Kansas Law Enforcement Training Commission, or any other governing entities; to include a physical, psychiatric evaluation, criminal records check, fingerprinting, drug testing, and any other requirements set by law, policy, or procedure.

(d)   Prospective members shall also undergo and pass a background investigation, showing no felony convictions, no misdemeanor convictions in the past seven years, except for minor traffic violations, and have a good credit rating.

(e)   Appointments to the reserve police force shall be made by the council.

(f)   The reserve force shall be under the general supervision of the mayor and chief of police.

(g)   The reserve force will be compensated, when applicable, for their services at an hourly rate set by ordinance, with raise increases possible at the request of the chief of police and approval by the mayor and city council. Raises will be judged upon years of service and performances of duties as a reserve officer. Appointments will be made under city classification and job description, placed in Range 3 of the City Pay Classification System.

(h)   The city shall endeavor to secure liability insurance coverage for members of the reserve police force comparable to that applicable to members of the police department, not to include those benefits due only to full-time city employees/police officers.

(i)    The members of the reserve police force shall not have police powers except when actually called on active duty by the mayor or chief of police.

(j)    The chief of police shall formulate all necessary rules for the operation, training, conduct, and duties to be performed by the reserve police force.

(k)   Reserves shall adhere to, and be governed by, all the rules and regulations laid down for the guidance of the police department members insofar as such rules and regulations are applicable to and consistent with the special class of duty prescribed for reserves. Reserves shall also comply with all other applicable ordinances, rules and regulations adopted by the council.

(l)    Any disciplinary action against a member of the reserve police force shall be conducted pursuant to Article VI of the Personnel Rules and Regulations adopted by the governing body.

(Ord. 1909, Sec. 1)